Privacy policy

Cryns by Damage wants to focus on the protection of personal data according to the guidelines elaborated in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or the AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) according to the European regulation 2016/679, which applies from 25 May 2018.


We take good care of your personal data.
First of all, Cryns by Damage complies with all the basic principles of processing personal data. 

  • clarity
  • purpose limitation
  • storage limitation & data minimization
  • correctness
  • CIA, which means confidentiality, integrity and availability

We process your personal data in a responsible manner.
Your personal data will only be processed if done lawfully. On the one hand, this is possible after your explicit permission. You always have the right to withdraw this consent.


On the other hand, this is only possible if it is necessary for one of the following reasons;

  • perform contract
  • legal provision
  • vital interest
  • common interest
  • legitimate interest

Purpose and legitimacy
Cryns by Damage will only process the necessary personal data in the context of the execution of an agreement (eg a purchase, ...), a legitimate interest (eg direct marketing, request for quotation,…) or in accordance with the legal provisions (eg. processing your own employees' data).

It goes without saying that Cryns by Damage protects all data very well. We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures and we provide the necessary physical protections, regular updates of hardware and software, adequate password management and secure internet connections. In addition, Cryns uses antivirus software to ensure that this purpose can be fulfilled. 


The personal data processed by Cryns by Damage will not be passed on to third parties, unless the transfer is part of an agreement to be performed (eg direct delivery, registered license, etc.). This third party must process the supplied personal data according to the GDPR legislation (eg do not use it for its own purposes, adequately protect this data, etc.).


Because Cryns by Damage likes to keep you informed, a mailing is sent out regularly to our customers and prospects, if there is a contract or a request for quotation. In the context of an offer, we rely on the principle of legitimate interest. However, it is possible at any time to unsubscribe in a simple way to no longer receive these mailings. Prospects can indicate via the website whether they want to be emailed, by checking a check box in the contact form on our website.

If for any other reason Cryns by Damage wishes to process your personal data, we will ask for your explicit  permission.


Our business card with all necessary information
Cryns by Damage is responsible for the contact details of our own prospects, customers, suppliers and employees. Do you have questions for Cryns by Damage? Contact us:


Cryns by Damage


Registered office:
Cryns Carrosserie Center nv
Vredebaan 79c
B-2640 Mortsel
+32 3 449 37 20


Responsible GDPR:
[email protected]
In our case, the supervisory authority is GBA. You can always contact them if you wish. 


Supervisory authority:
GBA - Privacy Commission


Contact details:
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
+32 (0) 2 274 48 00
commission (at)


In some cases, Cryns by Damage is also a processor of personal data of which customers of Cryns by Damage are the controller. In that case, Cryns by Damage is a processor and carries out assignments under an agreement with that customer. Is that the case for you? Please request further information from the controller.


We listen to your questions.
As a controller, you can always contact Cryns by Damage for the following matters:

  • insight
  • rectification
  • to delete
  • constraint
  • transferability
  • objection
  • to refuse profiling

You have the right to consult, have it corrected, erase, restrict processing, transfer it to another controller, object to the processing and refuse automatic decision-making.


What are cookies?

(source: Privacy Commission website)


Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer when you visit websites. This text file stores information, such as your language preference for a website. When you visit the website later again, this cookie is sent again to the website. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and, for example, your language preference can be remembered.


Cookies usually also have an expiration period. For example, some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (the so-called session cookie), while others remain on your computer for a longer period of time, sometimes even until you manually delete them (the so-called persistent cookie).


Why do we use cookies?
Websites use handy and useful techniques that increase ease of use and that make the site as interesting as possible for every visitor. The best-known examples of this type of technology are cookies and scripts (collectively referred to as “cookies”). Cookies can be used by website owners or third parties - advertisers, for example - who communicate through the website you visit.


The use of cookies is safe. No personal information, such as a telephone number or an email address, can be derived from cookies. Therefore cookies cannot be used for email and telemarketing promotions.

We think it is very important that you know which cookies our website uses and for what purposes they are used. We want to guarantee as much as possible both your privacy and the user-friendliness and financing of our website. Below you can read more about the cookies used by and via our website and for what purposes.


Which cookies does this website uses? 

Functional cookies ensure that the website functions properly.
Our website uses cookies for:

  1. passing information from one page to the next page, for example if a long survey is being completed or if you have to fill in a lot of data when ordering online, saving preferences, such as the language, location, the desired number of search results to be displayed , etc.

See below a list of the cookies we use, what data they collect and how long they are used.

These are cookies with which we can measure the use of the website. To determine which parts of the website are of most interest to our visitors, we continuously try to measure how many visitors visit our website and what is viewed the most, using the Google Analytics software as a third party. For this, we use cookies.

The information we collect in this way allows us to make statistics . These statistics give us insight into how often our web page is visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly as possible for you. We do not trace the statistics and other reports to persons.

We use cookies for:

  1. tracking the number of visitors to our web pages
  2. tracking the duration each visitor spends on our web pages
  3. determining the order in which a visitor visits the different pages of our website
  4. assessing which parts of our site require modification
  5. optimizing the website

Social media
These are cookies to share the content of our website via social media.
The articles and videos that you view on our website can be shared via buttons on social media. For the functioning of these buttons, social media cookies of the social media parties are used, so that they recognize you when you want to share an article or video.
These cookies therefore allow that:

  1. Logged in users of selected social media can share certain content of our website directly

For the cookies that the social media parties use and the possible data they collect, we would like to refer to the statements that these parties give on their own websites; see the links below. Please note that these statements can change regularly. DAMAGE has no influence on this.

These are cookies for the behavior-dependent content of a web page.
Our goal is to provide visitors to our website with information that is as relevant as possible to him or her. That is why we try to adapt our site to every visitor as much as possible. We do this not only through the content of our website, but also through the dispplayed advertisements. 

In order to make these adjustments, we try to get an idea of your likely interests based on our websites that you visit on the Internet, without building up a profile that can be traced back to a person. Based on these interests, we then adjust the content and advertisements on our website for different groups of customers. For example, based on your surfing behavior, you can be included in a certain category, such as "men in the 30 to 45 age group, married and children with an interest in football". This group will then of course see other advertisements than the segment "woman, age group 20 to 30 years, unmarried and interested in travel".

Third parties that use cookies via our website can also try to find your interests in this way. In that case, the information about your current website visit can be combined with information from previous visits to websites other than ours.

If we do not use these cookies,  you will still see advertisements on our site but in that case, the advertisements will no longer be tailored to your interests.

These cookies allow that:

  1. the websites register your visit in order to estimate your interests

Other / unforeseen cookies
Due to the way the internet and websites work, we may not always have insight into the cookies used by third parties via our website. This is especially the case if our web pages contain so-called embedded elements; these are texts, documents, pictures or videos that are stored with another party, but that are shown on and via our website.


If you come across cookies on this website that fall into this category and that we have not mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they have used, for what reason, what the lifetime of the cookie is and how they have guaranteed your privacy.


How can I see which cookies are installed and how can I delete them?

If you do not want websites to place cookies on your computer at all, you can adjust your browser settings so that you receive a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings so that your browser refuses all cookies or only cookies from third parties. You can also delete your cookies that have already been placed. Please note that you must adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.

Please remember that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will work properly. It is possible that some functions of the site are lost or even that you can no longer see certain websites at all. In addition, refusing cookies does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements. The advertisements are then no longer tailored to your interests and are repeated more often.

How you can adjust your settings differs depending on the browser. If necessary, consult the help function of your browser.